IMS, commonly known as Trigger Point Dry Needling, eliminates the hyperirritable area in a muscle that cause acute and chronic pain in a variety of conditions including Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) and for post-surgical patients. During treatment, a thin-filament needle is inserted directly into the trigger point within the muscle. Once the needle penetrates the trigger point, it causes the muscle to twitch/spasm, breaking up the trigger point.
Dry Needling (IMS) helps to restore normal muscle length and function, while also reducing pain quickly and effectively.
Is dry needling the same as acupuncture?
NO!! Dry needling addresses the trigger points within the muscles, whereas acupuncture focuses more on energy flow, and the needle is not inserted the muscle. The same type of needle is used for both treatments. Only dry needling is available at Roberts Physical Therapy and Massage.
Who can benefit from dry needling?
First time getting dry needling treatment?
Most of the time, you won't feel the needle insertion! Once the needle reaches the trigger point, you may feel the muscle twitch, which feels like a muscle spasm. You may feel like the muscle is cramping and occasionally may feels some parasthesias (numbness, tingling, burning). Afterwards, your muscles may be sore, like you've just had a big workout at the gym. Make sure you stretch and ice well after treatment (we'll help show you which stretches will be best for you and how to do them!) to decrease any soreness following treatment.
Link for: What to expect after receiving dry needling treatment.
Link to
What is a trigger point?
Per the article: Dry Needling for Plantar Heel Pain, by AAPSM (Australasian Academy for Podiatric Sports Medicine) (Jan .2014).
"hyperirritable spot in skeletal muscle that is associated with a hypersensitive nodule in a taut band"
"active TrPs are tender on compression and can give rise to distinctive referred pain patterns and dysfunctions. TrP formation...can result from mechanical trauma, stress, infection, nerve entrapments and joint dysfunction."
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